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Zwischenstop Jamaica! -Schnell rausgehen und Joint rauchen? -VERBOTEN! *g*

Aufgenommen am:2007:03:09 18:53:01
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04.04.2007, 21:46 Nicht nur das auch normale Kippen rauchen war verboten und das nach 12 Stunden Flug! *grmpf* (Steven)
23.09.2013, 12:48 Grattis, be5de till ditt idoga fottande och blogagnde. Bara att fortse4tta med be5da ;) Bilden e4r he4rligt humoristisk, hoppas att du har en personlig anknytning, allt blir be4ttre av det.. (Erik)
24.09.2013, 13:54 i have a question on the cniombed international shipping. there are two options for me to choose when i am going to buy a product from gmarket. the first one is buy now and add to cart. for add to cart, i noticed gmarket actually added all the items from different sellers and calculated the EMS shipping fee for me. is this the same as choosing "buy now" then apply for the cniombed shipping after the payment?if they are not the same, which one is cheaper?thanks a lot~ (Emili)
26.09.2013, 18:21 I completely agree! Its so anonying! So there is always money going back into the Gmarket account and to transfer money back to your bank account is $35! Grr.. (Hector)

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