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25.09.2013, 23:52 .. "This recipient acpctes PayPal payments only through their website. To complete this payment, please go to their website and follow their instructions, or email the recipient for instructions."Have you come across this before? I have no idea how to top up my G account on the website. I did click on the link to PayPal from Gmarket though.Thanks! (Pedro)
26.09.2013, 12:50 hi love (: hmms, i was wondering, what hpenaps if i make a payment using credit card and the actual shipping costs are actually lower than declared by the sellers? are we billed at the point of order confirmation or when the items are about to be shipped out (therefore no problems with initial weight stated by each seller?) will there be any additional charges for billing to the credit card as well?thanks so much! sorry for asking so much, but i'm really confused with the credit card billing! thanks!!Love, Jaz! (Lyubov)
28.09.2013, 07:02 Hi there!I was wonderin if you would be able to help me with this :)I plcead my order.. almost a week now and on my gmarket->international shipping many of my orders in the remark button has been checked off but I never checked it off nor have I recieved anything! Does this mean anything?Oh! and also, if a seller cancels an order is the money refunded into you gaccount?Thanks so much! :) [url=]dqmcufeqp[/url] [link=]hjdzofv[/link] (Tomoe)

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